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Dr. Zheng Lixin came SIBET to do academic exchanges
Update time: 2009-09-07
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In the morning of May 13, at the invitation of SIBET, USA AUMA laboratory Dr. Zheng Lixin came for academic visits. The institute leader Zhang Tao, each department leader and all researchers participated in this academic exchange.

Around the theme of Two-Photon Absorption in Biotechnology, Dr. Zheng made a detailed introduction on the development of international research on two-photon absorption, AUMA laboratory research achievements, and future prospects and applications. And he did a concise exposition about growth process of the U.S. high-tech corporations. Excellent report aroused great interest of those present, and research personnel started a lively discussion with Dr Cheng on the technical details.

Dr. Zheng was one of the AUMA laboratory founders and CTO, whose main research direction were biochemical and organic optical applications.

Dr. Zheng Visited the laboratory of SIBET after report.

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