Recently, Jiangsu provincial department of Science and technology announced the fourth batch of "Jiangsu foreign expert workshop". One of workshop from our institute was selected as Jiangsu foreign expert workshop. At present, we have one Jiangsu foreign expert workshop and two Suzhou foreign expert workshops. Up to now, the foreign expert workshops of our Institute focuses on medical optical technology, medical optical technology, and medical imaging technology and other biomedical technology in the future. Professor Sergiadis directs the work of the approved workshop. At present, has provided important key technologies to SIBET, CAS,in two aspects: photoacoustic imaging ultrasonic sensor and optimized light-emitting diode (LD) light source of portable photoacoustic imaging system. He trained the researchers of our Institute, which has rapidly improved the research level of the field of our Institute. In 2020, the performance evaluation of Suzhou foreign expert workshops is being carried out intensively. Based on the rules and regulations of foreign expert workshops in SND of Suzhou. We will strengthen the construction of foreign expert workshops and strive to achieve excellent results in the performance evaluation.