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Title First Author Publication Name PubYear,Volume, Issue, Page number
Hundred-micron droplet ejection by focused ultrasound for genomic applications Zhang Xiao Liang SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL 2023   
Dynamic analysis and experimental study of lasso transmission for hand rehabilitation robot Lu Jing Xin Micromachines 2023   
Model-based Feedback Control for an Automated Micro Liquid Dispensing System Based on Contacting Droplet Generation through Image Sensing Qian Qing Micromachines 2023   
Nanosecond pulsed cold atmospheric plasma jet suppresses proliferation and migration of human glioblastoma cells via apoptosis promotion and EMT inhibition Zhuang Jie ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 2023   
A Compact and Closed-loop Spin-Exchange Relaxation-Free Atomic Magnetometer for Wearable Magnetoencephalography Guo Qing Qian Chinese Physics B 2023   
Multifunctional Biosensing Platform Based on Nickel-Modified Laser-Induced Graphene Tong Yao Bioengineering-Basel 2023   
Identification and characterization of a novel thermostable transaminase (TATP) from Thermorudis peleae Li Xiao BIOCATALYSIS AND BIOTRANSFORMATION 2023   
Random Integration Analysis of Recombinant Adeno-Associated Virus 6 Packaged in Sf9 Insect Cells Zhang Min Huan MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 2023   
DB-DCAFN: dual-branch deformable cross-attention fusion network for bacterial segmentation Wang Jing Kun Visual Computing for Industry Biomedicine and Art 2023   
Spectra prediction for WLEDs with high TLCI Wang Hai Yang Applied Sciences-Basel 2023   
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