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Scientists Develop Novel Fluorescent Logic Gates Based on Silver Nanoclusters22-05-20

Scientists Unravel Inducement of Non-specific Occurrence of Multidrug-resistance22-05-18

Scientists Make Progress on High-Sensitivity SERS Sensing Technology22-05-10

First Application of Control Theory in Analysis of Photochemical Reaction Dynamics ...22-05-06

Researchers Optimize Design of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Coil with Iron Core22-04-23

Scientists Develop Novel Circulating Tumor DNA Biosensor22-04-21

Researchers Propose a Passive Shimming Method for Halbach Magnet22-04-20

Researchers Develop Near-infrared Responsive Nanoassemblies for Combined Breast Can...22-04-18

Scientists Propose 3D Stretchable RF Antenna for Self-powering22-03-24

Scientists Find Potential Diagnostic and Therapeutic Target for Lung Cancer22-01-29

Researchers Develop LED-based Solar Simulator for Better Terrestrial Solar Spectra ...22-01-28

Researchers Develop Enzyme-linked Differential Time Sensor for Heparin Potency Dete...21-12-15

Researchers Develop EM-Compatible Optical Multilayer Interference Tomography for Me...21-12-08

The International Training Workshop on “Innovation and Transformation of Advanced ...21-11-26

Machine Learning Helps Noninvasive Early Diagnosis of Hirschsprung Disease in Newbo...21-11-26

Scientists Develop New Type of Multi-Instance Neural Network for Accurate, Non-Inva...21-11-05

Scientists Propose Novel Network for Accurate and Noninvasive Diagnosis of Lymph No...21-11-04

Scientists Develop Two New Point Spread Functions for Particles Three-dimensional T...21-10-20

Announcement for International Training Course on Advanced In Vitro Diagnostic Tech...21-10-19

Scientists Develop Spherical Harmonics Decomposition Method for Irregular Matrix Co...21-10-12

Researchers Develop New Tech of Digital Microfluidic Generation for on-chip Paralle...21-08-20

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